Thursday, November 7, 2013

Found it!!

One of the best things about geocaching for me is the opportunity to come across fellow cachers in the field and to share the thrill of the hunt with your new friends.

In these photos, we had run across a group of fellow cachers who were seemingly having no more luck with finding the cache than we.

Caching in Salcey Forest right after finding the traveling earth cache.

 All of these great little holes and crevices, no way the cache would be hidden anywhere else...right?!?
Wrong!  It was hidden under the little foot bridge 10 feet away!
 We had all almost given up and walked away when one of the kids yells out two of the most beautiful words in caching language...Found it!!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I heard it through the grapevine...

Look!!  While I was cleaning out an old box from the attic, I found these old Happy Meal toys from Hardee's from my childhood! 

I am seriously thinking of turning Sherlock Snoopy into a travel bug, what do you guys think? The rest I will probably just stuff into my GeoBag to have some fun swag to drop around. 

Hhhmm, wonder if there is a Peanuts or California Raisins themed cache somewhere, I could base an entire trip around getting them there just for the heck of it. Mental note to look into that. Or maybe I should make my own cache with a toys-of-the-80s theme?

Oh well, lots of time to contemplate that one.  Until then, it was a fun thing to find!

Superman Returns? I Hope So!

I created my first Travel Bug today to take with me on my trip to England.  I was at Wal-Mart at saw it hanging there, a rainbow of color and happiness calling to me from amid a sea of boring flat silver. Immediately I knew what that little S was meant to be and where it was meant to go and it found its way into my heart.
It was a gorgeous key chain showing proudly the symbol for truth, justice, and the American way.  It seemed fitting.  This handsome little traveler is created from love and is being sent to another planet (ok, perhaps the UK is not a whole other planet, but I'm sure I will feel like it is a time or two before it's over! lol) where it will travel from cache to cache having it's own adventures before it (hopefully) finds it's way back home to me. 

I look forward to carrying this little guy across the Atlantic Ocean and sharing the first part of my journey with him until it is time for his own journey to begin. I will be dropping him in a cache at the event and can't wait to watch that story unfold while tracking him online!  Good luck my first born and I wish you the best in your travels till we meet again!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The House on Main...part 4.

Through the years of living in the house on Main, I become so used to strange happenings that, for the most part, it got to be where I barely noticed them at all most of the time.

One of our game night parties, though not the night in question and
 not the same room,
both girls from the story are present in this photo.
Sure, there were times when the "ghost pranks" would cause me some form of annoyance, such as the times I would find my purse or wallet hidden in the fridge, and I would scold them for being a nuisance or when the noises at night would keep me awake when sleep was all I craved. For the most part though, the pranks were harmless and sometimes even humorous, as long as you were not the one who had to deal with their outcome.

Aside from playing with the water when people were in the shower (and the moment you said for them to please stop, the water would always go back to normal in an instant), their favorite target seemed to be the people who claimed the loudest to not believe in ghosts or the supernatural. 

Two such friends who ardently believed that such nonsense went against all their faith were the ones that tended to have the best encounters.

One such incident with two heavy skeptics that stands out in my mind happened to two of my closest friends, Stephanie and Dale (names changed to protect the easily embarrassed).  We were having another one of our game night parties that night and they had volunteered to come over a bit early and help me set up.  At the time I still lived alone and there was no one in the home but the three of us. 
The kitchen that leads into the den, the TV is just
behind the wall on the right.

We had everything set up and things were going well, so I decided it was time to call in and go and pick up the pizzas.  It was only a mile down the road, so I told them they could just stay there and watch some tv till I got back.

When I pulled back into my drive, less than 20 minutes later, I was met by the sight of the two of them running full speed towards my car and screaming at the top of their lungs and waving my cordless home phone at me!

I had no idea what the heck was going on?!?  I slammed the car into park and leaped out, sure that some unimaginable horror had occurred in my absence.  I was sure the phone was there to call 911 and get the ambulance and fire department on their way.

After they informed me of what had happened, I thought I was going to pass out from laughing so I was glad they still had that phone on them.

Apparently, both girls had been in the kitchen, which connects to the den/party area through a door. They said they had been sitting up the plates and cups on the bar then started towards the den when all of a sudden, the tv came on by itself and suddenly started flipping channels wildly.
They started to scream and grabbed the remote to turn it off. It was then that the volume shot up to full blast while the channels continued to flip like a strobe. 

Scared out of their wits, they grabbed the house phone and ran screaming out the front door and were going to call my cell phone and were even more terrified when they noticed that the phone was dead. 

Fortunately, I had pulled into the drive at that time and by the time they finished telling me the story, they were much calmer.  I checked the phone...dial tone present again, and then we went into the house. It was so quiet in there, you could have heard a pin drop.  The tv was off and the remote was strangely back on the sofa (and seemed to be working just fine after I tested it).

Nothing else strange happened the rest of that night and the party went down without any further drama; however, after that day, neither girl would stay in the house by themselves and to this day they still shudder when recalling that night.

Monday, October 14, 2013

That Foot Wasn't So Lucky For The Rabbit, Was It? (Popular Superstitions Explained)


We humans are a superstitious lot, believing that Friday the 13th is bad luck and finding a penny is good luck.
Many superstitions stem from the same human trait that causes us to believe in monsters and ghosts: When our brains can't explain something,  we make stuff up. In fact, a study last year found that superstitions can sometimes work, because believing in something can improve performance on a task. Here, then, are 13 of the most common superstitions.
13. Beginner's luck Usually grumbled by an expert who just lost a game to a novice, "beginner's luck" is the idea that newbies are unusually likely to win when they try out a sport, game or activity for the first time.
Beginners might come out ahead in some cases because the novice is less stressed out about winning. Too much anxiety, after all, can hamper performance. Or it could just be a statistical fluke, especially in chance-based gambling games.
Or, like many superstitions, a belief in beginner's luck might arise because of confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a psychological phenomenon in which people are more likely to remember events that fit their worldview. If you believe you're going to win because you're a beginner, you're more likely to remember all the times you were right - and forget the times you ended up in last place.
12. Find a penny, pick it up ... And all day long, you'll have good luck. This little ditty may arise because finding money is lucky in and of itself. But it might also be a spin-off of another old rhyme, "See a pin, pick it up/ and all day long you'll have good luck/ See a pin, let it lay/ and your luck will pass away."
11. Don't walk under that ladder! Frankly, this superstition is pretty practical. Who wants to be responsible for stumbling and knocking a carpenter off his perch? But one theory holds that this superstition arises from a Christian belief in the Holy Trinity: Since a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, "breaking" that triangle was blasphemous.
Then again, another popular theory is that a fear of walking under a ladder has to do with its resemblance to a medieval gallows. We're sticking with the safety-first explanation for this one.
10. Black cats crossing your path As companion animals for humans for thousands of years, cats play all sorts of mythological roles. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered; today, Americans collectively keep more than 81 million cats as pets.
So why keep a black cat out of your path? Most likely, this superstition arises from old beliefs in witches and their animal familiars, which were often said to take the form of domestic animals like cats.
9. A rabbit's foot will bring you luck Talismans and amulets are a time-honored way of fending off evil; consider the crosses and garlic that are supposed to keep vampires at bay. Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain. They may also arise from hoodoo, a form of African-American folk magic and superstition that blends Native American, European and African tradition.
8. Bad luck comes in threes Remember confirmation bias? The belief that bad luck comes in threes is a classic example. A couple things go wrong, and believers may start to look for the next bit of bad luck. A lost shoe might be forgotten one day, but seen as the third in a series of bad breaks the next.
7. Careful with that mirror According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. The superstition seems to arise from the belief that mirrors don't just reflect your image; they hold bits of your soul. That belief led people in the old days of the American South to cover mirrors in a house when someone died, lest their soul be trapped inside.
Like the number three, the number seven is often associated with luck. Seven years is a long time to be unlucky, which may be why people have come up with counter-measures to free themselves after breaking a mirror. These include touching a piece of the broken mirror to a tombstone or grinding the mirror shards into powder.
6. 66 Three sixes in a row give some people the chills. It's a superstition that harks back to the Bible. In the Book of Revelation, 666 is given as the number of the "beast," and is often interpreted as the mark of Satan and a sign of the end times.
According to State University of New York at Buffalo anthropologist Philips Stevens, the writer of Revelation was writing to persecuted Christians in code, so the numbers and names in the book are contemporary references. Three sixes in a row is probably the numeric equivalent of the Hebrew letters for the first-century Roman Emperor Nero.
5. Knock on wood This phrase is almost like a verbal talisman, designed to ward off bad luck after tempting fate: "Breaking that mirror didn't bring me any trouble, knock on wood."
The fixation on wood may come from old myths about good spirits in trees or from an association with the Christian cross. Similar phrases abound in multiple languages, suggesting that the desire not to upset a spiteful universe is very common.
4. Make a wish on a wishbone The tradition of turkey bone tug-of-war goes back a long way. Legend has it that first-century Romans used to fight over dried wishbones - which they believed were good luck - and would accidentally break them, ushering in the idea that whoever has the largest bit of bone gets their wish. Bird bones have also been used in divination throughout history, with a supposed soothsayer throwing the bones and reading their patterns to predict the future.
3. Cross your fingers Those wishing for luck will often cross one finger over another, a gesture that's said to date back to early Christianity. The story goes that two people used to cross index fingers when making a wish, a symbol of support from a friend to the person making the wish. (Anything associated with the shape of the Christian cross was thought to be good luck.) The tradition gradually became something people could do on their own; these days, just saying "fingers crossed" is enough to get the message, well, across.   

2. No umbrellas inside ... And not just because you'll poke someone's eye out. Opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to bring bad luck, though the origins of this belief are murky. Legends abound, from a story of an ancient Roman woman who happened to have opened her umbrella moments before her house collapsed, to the tale of a British prince who accepted two umbrellas from a visiting king and died within months. Like the "don't walk under a ladder" superstition, this seems to be a case of a myth arising to keep people from doing something that is slightly dangerous in the first place.
1. Friday the 13th If you're not scared of Friday the 13th, you should be scared of the word used to describe those who are: friggatriskaidekaphobics. (An alternative, though just as tongue-twisty, word for the fear is "paraskevidekatriaphobia.")
For a superstition, the fear of Friday the 13th seems fairly new, dating back to the late 1800s. Friday has long been considered an unlucky day (according to Christian tradition, Jesus died on a Friday), and 13 has a long history as an unlucky number.
According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina, about 17 million people fear Friday the 13th. Many may fall prey to the human mind's desire to associate thoughts and symbols with events.
"If anything bad happens to you on Friday the 13th, the two will be forever associated in your mind," said Thomas Gilovich, a psychologist at Cornell University. "All those uneventful days in which the 13th fell on a Friday will be ignored."

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Secrets

Sunday is a day of rest, so I am letting some strangers tell their secrets here...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Personal Hauntings: House on Main...part 3

Welcome to the third story in my series of true to my life hauntings! As I have previously mentioned, the spooks that inhabited my old home are not shy in any way and often prefer to perform for an audience.

There have even been a couple of times when they have given an Oscar worthy performance when I was not around to enjoy it!  For these encounters, I have to rely on the first hand story of the friends who were actually there to experienced them.

One such private performance had quite an effect on the couple who stood witness to it.  If I were to describe the couple, I would adamantly use words like "grounded", "sensible" or "highly intelligent". In other words, not the sort of people to go out of their way to make up an imaginary tale just for the effect. Yet theirs is probably one of my favorite visual sightings stories, especially since the particular entities involved very rarely make an appearance to anyone. 

What might be humorous is to know that at the time of the encounter, these friends had no idea that anything was amiss or supernatural in origin, though it gave me goose pimples right away.

Although Jack and Carolyn had been to my home before for one of the many "board game" night parties that I was so fond of hosting, they had never had the pleasure of experiencing anything out of the ordinary themselves and were understandably skeptical when the rest of our group would reminisce about our own happenings.

That all changed shortly after their visit to my home for a late August birthday party. 

With the Summers being so warm back then, if you were going to get in a good day's exercise, chances are you would have to wait till the sun was fading and the temperatures were dropping. So that is exactly what Jack and Carolyn were doing on that fated day, taking a nice twilight stroll through the neighborhood.

They were both lost in the easy conversation of two people in love when they found that they were approaching my house and looked up in an absentminded manor to see if I was home or not.

At the moment I was not home, but by the time they had made their two mile circuit, they noted that I was in fact home by then and so they decided to stop in to say hello.

We sat and chatted happily for a few moments when Carolyn finally asked me why I had taken the rocking chairs inside?

Puzzled, I replied to her that I was not sure what she was talking of, since I did not own any rocking chairs.

A look of utter confusion crossed both their faces as they turned to share a look between them.

It was then that her husband Jack said the thing that sent chills straight up my spine and made the hair on the back of my head tingle... he said, "But we saw the two of them sitting in the chairs, rocking."

Taking a deep breathe, I asked "Who did you see sitting in the chairs?"

They both looked at me and he said, "You know, the old couple.  They were sitting right here on your porch and rocking. They were seemed real nice and waved at us when we walked by like they knew us.  Who were they anyways, we haven't met them before."

I felt my pulse jolt as I looked up at them with wide eyes and said "Neither have I, guys, neither have I".

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Personal Hauntings:House on Main...part 2

For the second part of my story, let's fast forward a decade.

This story takes place still in the House on Main, more specifically in the old bathroom beside of my bedroom.

 After my parents had divorced and my dad had remarried, they went to live in his new wife's home, so I got to stay in the old home by myself (I eventually had a roomie for a while which will lend me witness for later stories, but for the most part lived alone for several years, or as alone as you can be in a haunted house!).

But before my dad moved out, I had what is probably my favorite experience with my prank playing entity, though at the moment it happened, it was not quite so funny.

It was the summer that I was 19 years old and I can't remember there being too much abnormal activity before that. There are very few things more frightening than a teenage girl, so why would the spirits even try to compete! 

I remember that it was a very hot day and I had a date that night and needed to take a shower to get ready to go out. I gathered my clothes and towel and headed into the already steamy bathroom.  To show just how old this house is, the shower did not have curtains, instead it had two sliding glass doors. 

After getting undressed I opened one of the glass doors and stepped inside and under the soothing hot spray.  It is strange how relaxing a hot shower can feel when you stop to realize that rarely are you as vulnerable and defenseless as you are when you are alone in your bath.

A few minutes later, I hear the bathroom door open and through the foggy glass I see a tall figure dressed all in black, wearing a top hat, glide into the room. The fog might have made it a bit blurry, but though I could not see details of his face, his clothes and his frame were quite clear.  The figure walked over to the sink, turned on the hot water and just as smoothly glided back out, shutting the door behind him.

In an instant, my soothing shower turned into daggers of ice hitting my skin!  I screamed and turned of the shower, grabbed my towel and tossed it on, walked over to the sink and then physically turned the still running sink water off, stormed out of the bathroom and out onto the front porch.  There I began to scream at my dad about how NOT funny I thought it was for him to sneak in and pull a stunt like that!

After my rant was over, I had a moment to notice that my dad, wearing not black, but a white shirt and obviously no top hat, had obviously been in the yard the entire time mowing.  If the freshly mown lawn and sweat drenched look were not clue enough, the look of utter confusion and let's be honest, after that scream fest, terror (teen girl mood swings?) on his face were all the proof that I needed that the mysterious dark visitor in the room with me was in fact not my father but the stranger!

My Personal Hauntings: The House on Main...part 1

I think that just about all of us have our own stories of the supernatural or the unexplained, and so it should come as no surprise then that I have a tale to tell as well.  The only difference might be that my story spans over two decades and involves multiple encounters of the spooky kind!

This is just the first in a short series of posts sharing with you some of the true life hauntings from the house on Main. Feel free to be skeptical, but before you roll your eyes and scoff- remember, almost all of the encounters you will hear of can be verified by about a large number first hand witnesses who will all swear under oath to the truth in these pages.

Perhaps the best place to start would be at the beginning with one of the earliest group encounter events I can remember.

Image of the author and her older sister in the House on Main.
When I was two years old, my parents and my sister and I moved into one of the oldest homes in our neighborhood.  A two story brick house that had been built in 1907 while the town was still young and it became home to the Mayor and his family.  I will be honest that I have never invested the time in researching the history of the home beyond that or any of its previous owners, so I cannot make a claim that there was a gruesome  murder in the attic or that it was built over a sacred burial ground, though I also suppose such things cannot be ruled out unless we look them up. All that I can truly attest to are the events that happened from my childhood all the way into my adulthood, a few of which I would like to relate to you now.

A happy child who had just moved into her new home!
The earliest memories I have that something not quite natural about my home was when I was around 6 or 7 years old.  I remember being in bed in the night with my sister and our cousin in a bed on the other side of our shared room.  In the still of the night as we were all on the verge of sleep, a deep male voice echos quietly from the middle of the room, "Surprise".

All three of us bolted upright in our beds and screamed!!  My parents came bolting into the room and threw on the lights, and asked what had happened.  When regaled with our story, of which all three of us reported the same thing in detail, a thorough search of all closets and under all beds was conducted and then we were told we had just all had a bad dream and to go back to sleep.  Just so you know...I don't think we did go back to sleep that night.

There were many more whispers to be heard during the next few years, some calling us out by names (audible to all children present), resulting in our repeatedly running into the next room and asking the adult what they wanted only to find out they had not called us.  That would change as I grew in to adulthood myself, yet the entity would still seem to find the most fun in group scares!

Scary Stories: The Cat's Paw

 This is a rather long one, but a story that I found very creepy as a child. While not one I would consider scary as an adult, it is still a classic and a throwback to my own childhood :)  
   Once a mill hand came to a miller and asked him for work, saying that he had been underway a long time and wanted to earn a few kreutzers once again. The miller liked the mill hand, for he was a quick and lively fellow. He would have given him work at once if it hadn't been for an unusual concern of his. He scratched himself behind the ears for a while and then slowly expressed his opinion: "Yes, I need a mill hand, and I'm not likely to find a better one than you, but there is another problem." "What sort of one? asked the miller boy hurriedly. "Now you may not believe me, but what I'm going to say is the truth. Every time I have had a mill hand sleep in the mill, the next morning he was discovered dead. I've not been able to find out what is behind this, but that's the way it is."  It has never occurred to me that I should be afraid of someone," replied the mill hand, laughing. "Let me have a go at it. I am not by nature a fraidy-cat." "It would be a shame to lose your young life," said the miller. "No one else has escaped alive. You won't be any different." "The long and short of it is that I am not afraid. Give me work, and I'll stay with you." "If you are willing to gamble with your life, then stay. It will serve you right," replied the miller, half pleased and half angry. The new mill hand went into the mill and worked in spite of it all. When night fell he lay down a bit, but he did not let himself fall asleep, looking and looking to see what might be haunting the mill. Suddenly a large, beautiful cat crept up to him, meowed, arched its back, wagged its tail, and continued to creep around the mill hand. It was all he could do to ward off the uncanny animal. When he realized that "Get!" and "Scat!" and such sayings were to no avail, he became angry, grabbed the cat by its tail and hurled it a good distance from him. With that the cat slunk out the door. The mill hand thought to himself, "Just dare to come back!" and lay back down and slept without further disturbance. Early the next morning the miller came, expecting to see the mill hand's corpse. Was he surprised when the boy approached him, singing and whistling, and told him the story of the cat. As evening was approaching the mill hand fetched a little hatchet and hid it in his bed. Night soon came. The boy lay down, and again the cat crept up to him meowing. This time the mill hand did not shoo it away, but was nice to it and attempted to lure it closer and closer to him. When it was standing right next to his bed, he quickly pulled out the hatchet and with a laugh chopped off one of its front paws. With pitiful meows the cat hobbled on three legs out the door. Early the next morning the miller came again to see how the boy had fared. The latter had scarcely come into his master's view when he joyfully cried out, "Just see what the beast left behind! It will never come to me again!" With these words he showed the miller the paw that he had chopped off the cat. The miller had a good laugh and could not have been more pleased with his new mill hand. After laughing his fill, he went about his business, and the morning passed like any other, although the master did wonder why his wife was nowhere to be seen. Noontime came, and there was still no fire in the kitchen. The master finally lost his patience, and he shouted everywhere for his "old woman." But she neither came nor answered. Finally the miller went upstairs to the bedroom where he found his wife still in bed. "What you are doing? It is noontime already, and there is not even a piece of kindling burning yet in the kitchen." "I can't cook today. Something is wrong with me." The miller was curious what was wrong with her, noticing that she was holding her hands in a strange manner. Then he suddenly saw that one of her hands had been cut off.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Scary Stories: Humans Can Lick Too!

My scary Halloween story for the day is short but creepy...

A young girl named Lisa was often left alone at home because her parents worked late, so they bought her a dog to protect her and keep her company.

One night Lisa was awakened by a constant dripping sound. She got up and went to the kitchen to turn off the tap properly. As she was getting back into the bed she stuck her hand under the bed and the dog licked it reassuringly.

The dripping sound continued, so she went to the bathroom and turned off the tap properly in there, too. She went back to her bedroom and again stuck her hand under the bed, and again the dog licked it. But the dripping continued, so she went outside and turned off the taps out there.
She came back to bed, stuck her hand under it, and the dog licked it again.

Still the dripping continued, drip, drip, drip. This time she listened and located the source of the dripping — it was coming from her cupboard.

She opened the cupboard door, and there was her dog hanging upside down with its neck cut, and written on the window on the inside of the cupboard door was, "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO!" 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Scary stories: The Babysitter

With Halloween fast approaching, I wanted to take a few entries to tell some of my favorite scary tales to tell in the dark!
I adore a good scary story! Having lived in a haunted house for about 25 years where every person who came in had a close encounter with thing inside, I also plan on sharing a post at some point of the stories from that my guest would relate to me after their night of terror (ok, it was more of a practical joke ghost, no one ever got hurt, but they are still entertaining stories to relate).

Without further ado, I present to you the first story in my series..

The Babysitter

As the story goes, a teenage girl is hired by a young couple to baby-sit their two small children. They go out to a dinner party and leave the girl to tend to the kids in a somewhat isolated, large house at the end of the block.

When the hour gets late, she puts the children to bed and sits down to watch some late-night TV. The phone starts ringing and startles the half-asleep teenager. When she answers it, she hears heavy breathing and a man tells her he is "coming to get her." While she is somewhat scared, she dismisses it as a prank phone call.

About 15 minutes later, the phone rings again. When she answers it, the man starts laughing and tells her that he is closer. The baby sitter is truly frightened now and calls the police.

They tell her that it's probably just a prank phone call, but they will try to trace the call -- so she must keep him on the line as long as possible if he calls another time. She once again settles down on the couch, not sleepy at all.

The phone rings a third time and the man tells her he has come for her and it's only a matter of time. He continues with some heavy breathing until the babysitter is so terrified that she hangs up the phone again.

She quickly decides to get the children and flee the house when the phone rings again. This time it is a policeman on the other end and he tells her frantically "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!" THE MAN IS INSIDE THE HOUSE AND IS CALLING FROM THE UPSTAIRS EXTENSION!"

She runs from the house as the police arrive. The madman escapes but they find the children upstairs dead and a bloody axe laying on the bedroom floor next to an open window.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm just like you, I put my straight jacket on one sleeve at a time.

Yesterday, I had at least four people come up to me and say things like “Hey, I know you! You're my Facebook girl, right?!” and “Your posts make my day, I get so excited every time I see you've put up something new” or “Oh my gosh! You just ain't right girl! I love it!”.

  It seems lately that people are constantly coming up to me and saying things like this and honestly, though it makes me feel all shy, I absolutely love to hear that kind of feedback from people! Sure, it may still throw me off a little when people recognize me from my profile photos, but it always makes my day to know that I can bring a smile to hundreds of people every day by something as simple as writing a few crazy or positive words about life.
And to answer the question that I get almost every time…No, not all of the thoughts are my own, some are famous quotes or not so famous ones, but they are all out there with one purpose only - to bring a smile to anyone who might need one that day.

With that in mind, I just wanted to take this time on my blog to say Thank You to everyone for all of your support and the loving, kind words that you send to me every day.
I especially felt this outpouring of love on my birthday and want to say thank you for all of the birthday wishes that were sent my way through text, calls, and FB or Google messages!  I received well over 150 positive thoughts that day and I thought my heart swell and explode with the warm feelings I felt!
Thank you all so much!  When I started writing my silly thought posts, it was just something that was one of the items on my list to try that year and something to simply entertain myself. I was tired of all of the drama and negativity that bombarded me every time I logged on, so I decided to be the change I wanted to see. 

To celebrate how much fun it has been to write for all of you over these last two years, I am randomly choosing a few of my FB status updates and compiling them here in one place just for fun!  Hope you enjoy them!
I will start it off with my favorite poem:

Oh I wish I was a glow worm,

A glow worm’s never glum

Cause how can you be gloomy

When the sun shines out your bum!


The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you’re the pilot.

If at first you DO succeed, try not to look too astonished.

Eschew Obfuscation!

There was a piece of cake in the fridge with a note that said “Don’t eat me”,

Now there is an empty plate with a note that says “Don’t tell me what to do!”

It has been brought to my attention that the stick figure decals on the back of vehicles are NOT pedestrian “kill” scores, but actually are meant to represent members of your family. I’ll be removing mine ASAP to avoid further confusion.

I tried to change my password to Twilight, but there was an error message saying there were too many useless characters.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then use the profits to buy an assault rifle. See if life makes the same mistake twice!

Never stab someone in the back.  Stab them in the front, it’s easier to reach vital organs that way.

And now let me close with a priceless piece of wisdom:

Enjoy your Facebook statuses now, because let me tell ya, they are just not as funny when read back to you in cross examination.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm going to tell you a secret, several actually...

Just a warning, if your kids can read, this is NOT the post to let them read! I will be reposting some pictures from another site and some of this content, though not intentionally offensive at all, will have a more adult theme than my usual entries and this should be taken into consideration. 

One day, several years ago, I was meandering through a book store and ran across a book that sparked what would become a new obsession in my life and I thought it would be fun to share this addiction with all of you. 

The book was Postsecrets and I was hooked from page one.  The premise is simple, all of those secrets that we all hold inside that are too dark and desperate to even speak out loud are written anonymously onto a postcard and mailed to a man who compiles them all into a book and/or shares them on his website.  This serves two important purposes.  It allows the writer to confess and unload their burden and it allows the reader to either be entertained or feel a fellowship with the unknown entity that wrote the postcard. And it also helps that one guy who puts it all together to pay his bills, so it's a win/win/win for everyone! 

Since my weekends tend to be so busy with the result being me unable to have time to write a blog post, I have decided to use these secrets to my own good as well.  I hereby declare Sundays to be “Secrets Sunday”!

And even though I know it is not Sunday and I am way behind on my posts, here are a few little gems to get you started.