Friday, February 26, 2016

Book Review: The Little Paris Bookshop

In my effort to reach my goal of reading 100 books this year, I have found another diamond of a story!

Does love at first sight exist in the world of reading?  If so, that was certainly the case for me and "The Little Paris Bookshop"!  I ran across this book on one of my many trips to Barnes and Noble and as soon as I laid eyes on the cover, I felt an immediate draw to it. But I kept putting off buying it for several months due to the price since it was only in hard back at the time.

But every time I went into the store, there is was sitting on the shelf just begging to be read. So I finally sat down and read the first two chapters and decided that if it could hook me within the first few pages that it would come home with me.

Literally, from page one I was hooked! So I walked to the counter and made my purchase and clutched my new treasure close to my chest like a lover as I hastily left the store to begin reading.

I had no idea at the time how much this book would both open up my heart and temporarily lend light to my darkest inner corners. I was far from disappointed!

Many of my poor pen pals were forced to read of my new obsession with this story, and for that I am perhaps a little sorry! But I hope it inspired them to also consider picking up their own copy of this fantastic book!

When describing it to friends, I say that this book is not just your ordinary story of love and loss and redemption...though it has plenty of that to share.  The name of the floating bookstore owned by the main protagonist is nicknamed the Literary Apothecary and never has anything been more accurately named.

One of my favorite lines from the book goes, “There are books that are suitable for a million people, others for only a hundred. There are even remedies—I mean books—that were written for one person only…A book is both medic and medicine at once. It makes a diagnosis as well as offering therapy. Putting the right novels to the appropriate ailments: that’s how I sell books."

No, to me, this story is about the magic power of books to meet us where we are and to rip off the bandages that have been hiding our pain and to force us to heal from the inside out!! That is what this book did for me in so many ways.

I can usually finish a book of this size in around 3 days. This particular one took me almost FOUR WEEKS to get through because I would read a chapter and have to set it down and absorb the thoughts and ideals that it had just presented. Then sometimes I had to re-read the same pages again just to fully grasp the sheer veracity of the truth that the author was conveying in the most simplistic of terms.

"Everybody has an inner room where demons lurk. Only when we open it and face up to it are we free."

And that is another great point to this's perfect candor and directness. It is a great and easy read for both the voracious reader and the casual skimmer.

There are so many endearing lines in this novel that caused me to stop and think and have a few "ah ha!" moments. I felt easily connected to the main characters and their emotions and fears and hopes became my own.  When they felt shame or doubt, I felt it right along with them and when they faced their greatest fears and longings, I walked there hand in hand with them as well.

I love it when an author can create characters that are so easy to relate to and ones that make you care about them, whether you agree with their actions or not.  To me, that is one of the things that can really set a novel apart from the thousands of others out there!

As the writer herself puts it: “Books are more than doctors, of course. Some novels are loving, lifelong companions; some give you a clip around the ear; others are friends who wrap you in warm towels when you've got those autumn blues. And some...well, some are pink candy floss that tingles in your brain for three seconds and leaves a blissful voice. Like a short, torrid love affair.”

There were so many lines in this book that took my breath away that I am struggling not to quote them all, but that would be a sad case of spoilers.  As it is, let me just say that if you find yourself, especially as a woman, in need of a story to help you heal from life and or to help you find the courage to start your life, then this might just be the book for you!

After all, a book is both medic and medicine at once. It makes a diagnosis as well as offering therapy!

Should you decide to add this one to your reading list or if you take the plunge and read it yourself, please let me know!! I will be eager to hear your own thoughts.

PS....I am aware that I did not go into great detail of what the story is about since I know most of us have Google.  Rather, I aimed to share what this book meant to me and the emotions that it stirred up inside my soul. To me, that is the true measure of an artist's work.

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